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Image Source: Chefmiami

Nuts form an easy source of food as they do not require any cooking time. They are readily available in the market, are very tasty and contain vital nutrients that help to keep the body in sound condition. Different forms of nuts contain different types of nutrients. Knowing which nut contains what can help you maintain the right balance of nutrients in your diet. Read on to find out more about the various kinds of nuts and their benefits.

  • Almonds

Almonds are rich source of antioxidants and are known to help in fighting different types of cancer, especially colon cancer. These antioxidants will help in protecting the cells from being damaged.Almonds are great for increasing bone strength as they can provide the right amount of calcium and zinc to the body if taken regularly. Almonds also help to maintain the health of the heart by lowering cholesterol levels. They are rich in vitamin E and zinc as well. If you are on a fitness regime and are looking to stock up on your proteins, almonds are great way to go.

  • Cashew nuts

Cashew nuts form a great addition to your diet if you are into body building as it contains plenty of natural fibers. It has high amounts of monounsaturated fats which are known to improve cardiovascular health and reduce any risk of heart disease. Being a rich source of antioxidants, cashew nuts are known to aid in getting rid of the free radicals that can cause cancer. It can act as an energy booster, owing to its high copper content. The magnesium and calcium in cashew nuts help to increase bone density and maintain healthy muscles.

  • Hazelnuts

Hazelnuts contain unsaturated fat which is known to be great for maintaining a healthy heart. They are also rich in oleic acid which is a compound that can help to lower the cholesterol levels of the body. It brings down LDL cholesterol, which is the bad cholesterol and elevates the level of HDL cholesterol, the good cholesterol. Hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E and B as well. Vitamin aids in keeping skin, hair and nails healthy while vitamin B is important for cell strength and energy metabolism. A group of plant metabolites called flavonoids contained in hazelnuts have antioxidant effects and they improve blood circulation to brain and other parts of the body.

  • Walnuts

Daily intake of walnuts can deliver healthy amounts of omega-3 fats to the body. Omega-3 fats are compounds that the body cannot produce, but are essential for the proper functioning of the body. Walnuts also contain useful elements like manganese, copper, molybdenum, biotin, etc. Walnuts are also known to reduce risk of various types of cancers such as prostate cancer and breast cancer. Being a source for an amino acid called L-Arginine; walnuts are known to improve cardiovascular health. L-Arginine is also found to be effective in treating erectile dysfunction.

  • Pecan nuts

Pecan nuts, like all the other nuts, are rich sources of unsaturated fat which helps in keeping the heart healthy. Due to its high fat content, pecan nuts are very tasty to eat. They have high contents of vitamin E in them as well. Minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamins, etc. are found to be abundant in pecan nuts. The high antioxidant content of pecan nuts can have regressive effects on signs of aging.

  • Pistachio nuts

Pistachios are one of the most popular nuts of all types. Taking pistachios daily can deliver healthy amounts of minerals like calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron, etc. into the body. Also, did you know that pistachios contain the most potassium than any other variety of nuts? It is also rich in proteins and natural fibers. Research has shown that regular intake of pistachios can lower the level of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and elevate HDL (good cholesterol) levels. A compound called oleanolic which is found in pistachios have anti-inflammatory effects. They are also found to protect the liver from damages.

Nuts are abundantly available as well as easy to take. They have a rich taste and can form a healthy and hassle-free addition to your diet. Knowing about the various benefits different nuts can yield can be helpful when it comes to your health.


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