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Our hands are the most exposed part of our body, and these remain unguarded from the germs and disease causing bacteria and viruses which we bring home with us every day. These hands now carry fatal diseases with them. This may sound exaggerated, but is the truth. These hands lead to the spread of infections and diseases which are very common amongst the children these days.Dirty hands are a sign of unhygienic and unhealthy habits leading to fatal diseases.

What can be done to prevent this?

Now obviously, we cannot stop going out or cover our hands at all times. A simple, healthy practice of washing our hands regularly can reduce the chances of catching infections. Washing it with soap gives better results and it completely kills all the germs (bacteria and viruses) causing diseases.

When to wash your hands?

Washing hands at regular intervals, especially before handling  ready to eat food as this is the fastest way germs travel, via the food in to your body. Washing is a must after handling animals, rubbish, mud, before and after attending to a sick person and most importantly before eating. Adapting to these healthy hand washing habits, is the first line of defense against diseases like meningitis, the flu, bronchitis, and diarrhea.

What is the importance of washing hands regularly?

Washing hands regularly is of major importance because:

  • Hands are the prime carriers of germs.
  • We use our hands for eating, rubbing our eyes and for many such activities in which our dirty hands come in contact with our skin, making germ transmission easier.

Children and the elderly are more prone to catching these bacteria borne diseases as they have weak immunity systems.

Is there a procedure to wash hands effectively?

There are six steps to effectively wash your hands that take not more than 50-60 seconds per wash. These are:

  1. Wet the hand and apply some soap (liquid or cake). Rub both the palms until the soap becomes bubbly.
  2. Rub each palm over the back of other hand.
  3. Rub one hand’s fingers between the fingers of the other hand.
  4. Rub your palms keeping your fingers together.
  5. Run around each hand’s thumbs one by one.
  6. Rub in circles with one hand’s fingers on the other hand’s palm. Rinse and dry.

It is not necessary to strictly follow these steps. Following these steps is completely one’s choice.

What type of soap to use?

Although any soap can be used to wash hands, but preferably an anti-bacterial soap is considered to be a better option. Anti-bacterial soaps kill the bacterial germs that are responsible for causing fatal disease. In offices and other work places, where many people use the same soap, liquid hand wash should be used as the germs can travel from one set of dirty hand to the other via the common soap.

What are the other ways to keep our hands clean?

Keeping a hand sanitizer with you always helps, especially when you’re travelling.  Applying it before and after eating, after using the restroom and after handling something dirty can help minimize the germ count. Other way can be by avoiding and staying away from dirt, which obviously, is not always possible.

Take the first step towards a secure and healthy lifestyle. Order from our wide range of hand wash and hand sanitizers which are completely organic and safe to use. The health of your entire family is just a click away. So don’t wait and order now. To know more, click here.


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