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Image Source: Simplebites

The word syrup generally brings into the mind generously put maple syrup on pancakes or dark chocolate sauce poured on sundae. These are only two syrups of the many types that are available, and various types of syrups, ranging from commercially produced flavored syrups to plain syrups made at home can be found.

  1. Maple Syrup

The sap of maple tree is boiled down to produce real maple syrup, though artificial maple syrup is also available as it is less expensive than the real syrup. Maple syrup finds regular use as a sweetener during breakfast with pancakes, oatmeal and waffles.

  1. Sugar Syrup

Also known as simple syrup or bar syrup, sugar syrup is one of the basic syrups which is prepared by simply adding sugar to water, allowing it to dissolve over medium heat and then cooling it down. Granulated sugar doesn’t dissolve in cold liquids easily and hence, this syrup is used extensively by bartenders, to sweeten mixed drinks and cocktails. Sugar syrup is also used during cooking.

  1. Corn Syrup

Corn syrup is made out of corn starch and is a commonly used ingredient in ketchups, ice creams, soft drinks and sodas and various foods, condiments and drinks. It is used by bakers as the goods baked with corn syrup turn out moister as well as have better texture and the syrup itself has a long life as it doesn’t crystallize. This inexpensive syrup also makes a base for other syrups.

  1. Chocolate Syrup

An essential staple of ice cream stands for making chocolate sundae, chocolate syrup is made from corn syrup, cocoa powder and flavors. The most loved syrup of children, chocolate syrup is widely used on ice creams, milks, cakes and in various desserts.

  1. Honey

One of the most commonly used syrups, honey is naturally made in beehives and so, has a natural sweetness. The flavors depend on the flowers from which the particular honey has been made. It is widely used in various foods and drinks and finds use as a sweetener in beverages and baked goods.

  1. Molasses

The leftover product after sugar cane is refined and the cane sugar crystals are removed is what is known as molasses. Molasses is popularly used in the production of rums, making candies and in baking. The higher grades of molasses are light in color and also in flavor while the blackstrap molasses, which are darker, are used as an additive to cattle-feed.

  1. Barley Malt Syrup

Barley malt syrup is also known as malt or malt extract and is made from sprouted barley. To make barley syrup, barley is soaked, dried and then cooked to a thick consistency. It has a distinctive flavor of malt and though its taste is almost comparable to the taste of molasses, its sweetness is not as strong as common sugar or honey. The syrup finds use in beer-making and baking.

  1. Brown Rice Malt Syrup

This is also known as rice bran syrup or rice malt and is made commercially by either cooking brown rice starch or brown rice flour with enzymes. The starch is broken down by the enzymes into simpler sugars in the liquid form. This is filtered and then heated to attain the required consistency. Brown rice malt syrup is used in the same way as molasses.

The various syrups that are available around us make our life sweeter by imparting flavor and sweetness to our foods. For more information on various syrups, click here.


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