Joybynature.com Team

Image Source: Livehealthy

Prostate cancer is one of the commonest cancers in men. It has a lot of risk factors and it is important to be aware of them. In order to catch this early and treat it effectively, regular checkups and tests need to be done.Cancer is easier to treat and more likely to be cured if caught early. Many cancersgrow very slow and may be present for years before they are found. By the age of 80, almost every man will have some cancerous cells in his prostate. Also, knowing is always better than not knowing. One way or the other, either you are reassured that you don’t have cancer, or you know you do and can start early treatment and plan for a better prognosis.

Prostate screening is not possible as there is no specific test that can catch this cancer and confirm it. However, when you go to your doctor, he will perform a series of examinations and tests in order to determine whether you have any cancerous cells in your prostate.

These are

  • PSA:The PSA test, or Prostate Specific Antigen test is one of the few methods available to screen for prostate cancer. PSA is necessary to liquefy semen and some small amount can enter the bloodstream. However, cancerous cells produce more than normal PSA. While an elevated level is indicative of cancer, not all men have the same baseline PSA level. Because of this, it is hard to determine what is normal and what is due to pathology.
  • DRE: The Digital rectal Examination is important for diagnosing a prostate cancer and for differentiating between a malignant and benign cause. Your doctor will insert a gloved and lubricated hand inside your anal opening and feel for your prostate. He will check for the size, shape, surface and smoothness of your prostate gland.

The main symptoms that should prompt you to go see your doctor are:

  • Slow or weak stream of urine
  • Difficulty in urinating
  • Nocturia or urination at night
  • Increased frequency of urination
  • Burning during urination
  • Hematuria or blood in your urine
  • Painful ejaculation.

The main factors that contribute towards prostatecancer are:

  • Age: People in the age group of above 50 are at a higher risk. However, if a person has one or more than one immediate relative who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, he should get himself checked regularly after 40 years of age.
  • Region: People from Asian countries have a lesser chance of developing prostatecancer as compared to the people of western countries. However, when Asian men go to western countries, the risk of them developing cancer increases.
  • Race: African American men are at a greater risk of developing prostate cancer.
  • Diet: A balanced diet and a Healthy lifestyle along with regular exercise will protect you from many diseases.


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