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Though treatment is generally not required for the side effects, they may cause discomfort for some women. You can deal with them through various means including some changes in your lifestyle.

Irregular Periods

Menopause in some women may be a gradual process and may cause irregular periods due to hormonal imbalance. Periods may come early or late; bleeding may be less or heavier; and sometimes periods may be over even before you know it and sometimes it might go on for what would seem like ages once it begins.


Hot Flashes or Hot Flushes

The most common side-effect experienced by many menopausal women are hot flashes which is a sensation of warmth spreading throughout the body. Since the production of estrogens declines with menopause, hot flashes occur due to hypothalamic response which might be triggered by various causes – stress, caffeine, alcohol or even a hot place. Note them and avoid them.

When you feel your flash starting remove any extra clothing and use a fan. Take deep breaths. If you are overweight, it would be a good idea to try losing some weight.


Disturbed Sleep or Insomnia

With the onset of menopause, you might be facing problems with your sleep during night and not being able to get the required hours of sleep.Follow some simple rules to sleep better at night and take care of your insomnia.

Try to be physically active during daytime and avoid caffeine after mid-morning. Avoiding large meals, alcohol and smoking before bedtime will also help you get a good night’s sleep. Instead drink something warm like milk or caffeine-free tea and take a warm bath before bedtime. Above all, keep the environment in your bedroom peaceful, quiet and cool.


Mood Swings and Depression

The mood swings and depressive phases in menopausal women is hard to deal with. They vary from woman to woman and can be sudden and intense; one moment you are on a high and the next moment you are hopelessly down.

Be informed about these hormonal changes. Realize that these are not unnatural will help you to deal with them better.


Vaginal Dryness

The usually soft and moist feeling of the lining in the vagina cases and leads to vaginal irritation and itching. The drop in the estrogen level leads to the vaginal tissue becoming drier and thinner and vaginal dryness. This leads to the vagina becoming more prone to infections and results in loss of interest in sex.

To overcome the dryness, use a water-based lubricant or a vaginal moisturizer and overcome the condition.


Urine Incontinence

Menopausal women tend to lose control over their bladders due to the fact that the tissues of the vagina and the urethra lose elasticity and the surrounding pelvic muscles also weakens.

Incontinence can be embarrassing. Take control over your bladder – stay hydrated, abstain from alcohol and do Kegel exercises to bring strength to your pelvic floor.


Loss of Libido

Highs and lows in sexual desire are common in one’s life. But a loss of libido during menopause is disturbing. Losing interest in sex is caused due to the deficiency of the hormone androgen. Other menopausal symptoms, like vaginal dryness, depression of prescription drugs to treat these symptoms, may themselves be the cause of loss in sexual desire.

Though you might have been having an active sex life prior to your menopause, decrease in sex should not depress you. Be aware of this symptom and be informed so that you can face it and deal with it without having to worry about it.



Osteoporosis is the general decrease in the mass and density of the bones. The process whereby old bones are replaced by new bone cells changes as you grow older. With the onset of menopause and the drop in estrogen levels, which absorbs calcium into the bones, bone density reduces. This disorder, termed as osteoporosis, makes menopausal women more susceptible to fractures.

A menopausal woman may experience many other side effects – night sweats or sleep hyperhidrosis, dizziness, memory lapses, difficulty in concentrating, hair loss, fatigue, weight gain, bloating, irregular heartbeat and anxiety.

Many of you might have to undergo some of these symptoms while some might have no problems during menopause. But knowing what to expect and being prepared to deal with it, is the best way that you can overcome these side effects once menopause sets in your life.


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