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Image Source – Healing The Body

Manganese is a mineral naturally occurring in our bodies in very small amounts. Manganese is an actual component of manganese superoxide dismutase enzyme. It is a powerful antioxidant that seeks out the free radicals in the human body and neutralizes these damaging particles, thereby preventing many of the potential dangers they cause. The health benefits of manganese lead to overall wellness in a variety of ways, discover more below.


  1. Helps Brain and Nervous System

Manganese is essential for the healthy functioning of the brain and it is also used to treat specific nervous disorders. This is due to the superoxide dismutase, which scavenges free radicals throughout the body, including the neural pathways. Oxidation byproducts like free radicals are everywhere in the body, and the brain can be negatively affected just as easily as other parts of the body, therefore powerful antioxidants like SOD are required. Aside from its antioxidant role, manganese also binds with neurotransmitters and stimulate faster or more efficient transmission of electrical impulses throughout the body, in effect, speeding up cognitive function.

    1. Fights Free Radicals
    Due to the antioxidant properties of manganese, the health benefits of manganese include a special function of monitoring the activity of free radicals in human body. These free radicals are capable of damaging human cells and causing cancer and other devastating diseases, so adding manganese supplements or food rich in this mineral is a very good choice.


3.Controls  Sugar Level

To control the level of sugar in the blood, manganese normalizes insulin synthesis and secretion, and the unpredictable drops in blood sugar can be better regulated, providing a more normal and functional life for diabetics.


  1. Digestive tract

Manganese is a mineral, which is helpful in maintaining the functioning of the digestive tract. This further improves the absorption of fat in the process of digestion, and also reduces issues like constipation and bowel discomfort. Manganese is also important in terms of efficient food utilization and the transformation into usable energy.


  1. Promotes Metabolism

Manganese activates enzymes that help in the metabolism of cholesterol, amino acids, and carbohydrates. It is also important for the metabolism of Vitamins like Vitamin E and Vitamin B-1. Furthermore, it helps the liver properly function and run smoothly, as well as being an essential part of the metabolism of glutamine, the most abundant amino acid in the body, and a key part of DNA polymerase.


  1. Prevents Inflammation and Sprains

Manganese is a widely known remedy for sprains as well as inflammation as it helps in increasing the level of superoxide dismutase. This increased level is due to the antioxidant properties of the mineral. Superoxide dismutase, also known as SOD, is normally found in very low levels in patients with arthritis. SOD has anti-inflammatory qualities which arthritis sufferers desperately need, so adding manganese back into the body to increase synthesis and function of SOD has been connected with a decrease in symptoms of this condition.


  1. Prevents Osteoporosis

Manganese supplements are connected to the relief of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis syndrome because it is an essential mineral that has been proven to add to bone density and overall mineral density.


  1. Boosts Thyroid Health

Manganese is an important cofactor for many different enzymes, and it is an essential component of thyroxine, arguably the most important hormone in the thyroid gland. Proper functioning of the thyroid gland and its hormonal synthesis benefits a wide variety of health issues in the body, including weight loss, appetite, metabolism, and organ system efficiency.


The most important sources of manganese are raspberries, pineapples, garlic, grapes, beetroot, green beans, rice, peppermint, oats, nuts, watercress, mustard greens, strawberries, blackberries, tropical fruits, lettuce, spinach, molasses, cloves, turmeric, leeks, tofu, whole wheat, bananas, cucumbers, kiwis, figs and carrots. The best sources of naturally abundant manganese are green vegetables, brown rice, coconuts, almonds, and hazelnuts, since they maximize the absorption of this important mineral.




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