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Wheatgrass is a nutrient-rich type of young grass in the wheat family. It's sold as a dietary supplement in tablet, capsule, and liquid forms. Wheatgrass is often used to prepare juices or added to smoothies or tea.

Ways Of Consuming Wheatgrass

Like any green smoothie, you can add whole wheatgrass, powdered wheatgrass, or wheatgrass juice to your favorite fruits and vegetables. Blend fresh or frozen fruit with water, juices or milk. Add probiotic-rich yogurt, chia seeds or veggies for an extra boost. Add the strained wheatgrass juice to the mix or add a few tablespoons of powdered wheatgrass and you’ve got yourself a complete meal. If you opt for raw, whole wheatgrass, allow it to process fully to avoid chewing on wheatgrass chunks in your smoothie as whole wheatgrass can be difficult to digest for some people. You can even prepare wheatgrass salad. Also, wheatgrass is known to have medicinal properties. Wheatgrass juice can be swirled in your mouth or applied to your skin or scalp for a number of medicinal purposes. Its anti-inflammatory and chlorophyll-rich nature allows it to kill bacteria and reduce swelling.

Benefits Of Wheatgrass

  1. It helps neutralize toxins and environmental pollutants in the body. This is because Wheatgrass contains beneficial enzymes that help protect us from carcinogens, including Superoxide Disumates (SOD), that lessens the effects of radiation and digest toxins in the body. It cleanses the body from head to toe of any heavy metals, pollutants and other toxins that may be stored in the body’s tissues and organs.
  2. Wheatgrass provides a concentrated amount of nutrients, including iron; calcium; magnesium; amino acids; chlorophyll; and vitamins A, C and E.
  3. Wheatgrass is known to boost immunity, kill harmful bacteria in your digestive system, and detoxify your body. Some researches suggest wheatgrass as a treatment for cancer, anemia, diabetes, constipation, infections, skin conditions, ulcerative colitis and joint pain, among other health concerns
  4. Wheatgrass juice is particularly high in chlorophyll. Wheatgrass cleanses and builds the blood due to its high content of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the first product of light and therefore contains more healing properties than any other element. The high content of oxygen in chlorophyll helps deliver more oxygen to the blood. We see red blood cell counts rise and blood oxygen levels rise very quickly with the regular drinking of wheatgrass juice and using wheatgrass juice implants.
  5. Wheatgrass is a complete source of protein, supplying all of the essential amino acids, and more. It has about 20% of total calories coming from protein. This protein is in the form of poly peptides, simpler and shorter chains of amino acids that the body uses more efficiently in the blood stream and tissues.
  6. The bland soothing effect of chlorophyll (wheatgrass) ointments are very beneficial to the treatment of various skin diseases involving the outer and underlying layers of the skin, including: itching and burning of the rectum; ivy poisoning; weeping and dry eczema and even in conditions caused by insect bites or infection.
  7. The starch of the wheat berry stores energy which, when converted to simpler sugars is a quick energy source. It is especially good for athletes because it is a juice and is assimilated in 20 minutes or less, and uses very little of the body’s energy to extract the nutrients.
  8. Wheatgrass juice can dissolve the scars that are formed in the lungs from breathing acid gasses. The effect of carbon monoxide is minimized since chlorophyll increases hemoglobin production.
  9. Wheatgrass has the ability to increase the amount of oxygen in the blood, making it a great way to stimulate circulation. In addition to drinking a wheatgrass shot, you could also use a cotton ball to rub the juice around your face and neck to dilate blood vessels and allow more circulation to the surface of the skin.

The best part about wheatgrass is, that it grows really fast and does not need much maintenance as a plant. You can even grow it in your garden. To know more about wheatgrass, click here.




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