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Carbohydrates are essential in every meal as they provide you with energy and make you feel full. However, they are also responsible for making you fat. It is generally suggested that one should exercise regularly to burn those carbs otherwise they turn into fat, thus making you pile on weight. However, in today’s faced paced world taking out time for exercise is really impossible. Well, do not worry! We have a solution for this problem too. Just incorporate healthy carbs in your diet. Healthy carbohydrates are rich in fiber content, which make your full in just a small quantity, thus allowing you to consume less calories. Also, it ensures that you do not feel the urge of unnecessary munching. So, take a look at a few options rich in healthy carbs.

  1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a super healthy substitute for replacing carbs in your diet. Having them in the breakfast is an excellent way to begin your day. This not only makes you feel full but also provide with instant energy. You can add nuts and fruits to a bowl of oats to make it more nutritious. Also, you can cook a savory recipe of oats if you do not start your day with something sweet. You can also mix your oats with poha to add a crush to this dish. Also, oatmeal cookies are a great snack for mid-meal cravings.

Oatmeal is also a great ingredient for exfoliating scrubs. Owing to it soothing and healing properties, it is also used in treating burns, irritations and other skin ailments. To know more about it, click here.

  1. Whole Wheat Bread

White bread is made from refined floor, which is extremely bad for health and high on calories. Instead one should opt for bread made from whole wheat flour. Opting for multigrain bread is a far better option. Owing to the presence of fiber, whole wheat keeps you full and allows less consumption of calories.

  1. Brown Rice

Just like white bread, white rice is also harmful. Instead opt for brown rice. It is a healthy substitute for consuming carbohydrates. Just the way you prepare several types of dishes with white rice, you can use brown rice in that place. They taste similar but are high on fiber. That is why they make you feel full only in small quantity. This way you do not feel hungry for long time and also consume fewer calories. Make pulao, fried rice of having it with your regular daal, they are surely going to help you stay fit.

To know about various other benefits of brown rice, click here.

Rice - Organic Tattva Organic Basmati Rice- Brown 1kg

  1. Vegetables

Vegetables are also a good source of healthy carbs. All the more these healthy carbs in vegetable do not allow weight gain as well. So, incorporate vegetables in your daily diet and live a healthy life. Opt for veggies like beans, cucumber and leafy vegetables

Cucumber is known to possess several beauty benefits as well. They are an essential ingredient in several commercial beauty products and homemade hair and facial masks. To know more, click here.

Vrikshali Aloevera Cucumber Bath Gel  100ml

  1. Fruits

Just like vegetables, fruits are also rich in good carbs. Also, they are low in fat content and rich in insoluble fiber, essential for weight loss. Especially citrus fruits are rich in fiber, which keep you full for longer period of time. Incorporate apples, oranges, apricots, kiwis and blueberries in your daily diet. Bothe fiber and water content in them suppress your mid-meal cravings too.

  1. Whole Wheat Pasta

We all love pasta, be it in red sauce, white sauce or in salads. However, they are quite unhealthy as they are made from refined flour. Instead you can try out pasta made from whole wheat flour. These days, they are easily available in supermarkets. They are high in fiber content and therefore good for digestion. They make you full in small quantity, thus allowing you to consume fewer calories.


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