Joybynature.com Team

Image Source: Greenpeople

The obvious thought would be have our feet soaked in an ice tub at the spa now and then, but the conventional foot care products found in spas and on many store shelves are causing your feet (and your body) more harm than good.

The best option and the only wise option is to choose organic foot care products. But why choose natural over conventional? The scientists behind such products are genius. There are a lot more harmful products present in conventional materials than natural. But the truth; all the toxic chemicals and other harmful products are cleverly masked as fragrances and can be found in practically every commercial body care product, including foot care.

Let's face it; nobody wants to be the one with stinky feet. But one does not need to stick on to artificially scented foot lotions and scrub feet with products that contain hormone disruptors (phthalates), cancer-causing carcinogens (formaldehyde), and poisonous preservatives (parabens) in order to keep those toes looking and smelling pretty. Not only do these synthetic chemicals harm your skin and organs, they also leech into our water supply and create a toxic environment.

Now the good thing is that our feet can look and smell naturally beautiful by using organic foot care and natural foot care products. Here’s how it can be done.

Remove the shoes-

For a proper foot care  it’s a good habit to take out the shoes after getting home, so that you let your feet breathe. Otherwise, the sweat and dirt that builds up in your shoes during the day will continue to wear your feet after hours. If the dirt and sweat is allowed to stay on your feet longer than necessary, you are practically creating a breeding ground for athlete’s foot and other diseases.In winter, it is always better to put on a fresh pair of cotton socks or slippers.

Wear shoes that fit-

Some people are on their feet more than others — for example, waitresses and those who go on long daily runs — but we should all be wearing comfortable, well-fitting shoes, whenever possible. The wrong shoes will wear our feet down pretty quickly. Shoes that are too small or just rub your feet the wrong way can cause unsightly blisters and corns. So it is always better to choose an extra size or the correct size of shoes.

Soaking our feet-

From time to time everyone’s feet have rough or dry skin. So to keep them soft and clean, the best foot care is to soak your feet regularly. So during the late morning Saturday bath, take a bucket of warm water and soak your feet. It’s best to soak your feet for, approximately, ten to fifteen minutes; otherwise, your feet will become pruned, which isn’t very effective, when one is trying to remove all the dead skin.

Home scrubbing treatment-

After a warm bath on a Saturday morning or after soaking feet for a while, be sure to give them a good scrub to smooth rough or dry areas. It is just like cleaning our daily dishes, we are simply just washing away all the dead and damaged skin cells; making way for a better pair of feet. Remember: a pumice stone is more effective when our feet are still damp.

Everyone wants beautiful feet. Psychologists say that, whenever we meet a person the first thing he/she notices is shoes. Hence, our feet too tag along obviously. As they say, the first impression is always the best impression and to make a good first impression it is always better to use natural foot care  products that are good for our health and at the same time do not create any side-effect.

Note- It is always better to consult a doctor, before using any type of foot care because being sorry is always the hard thing to do.


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