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Processed foods are a danger to every human out there. Be it a small tiny human or be it a full developed adult; it is a potential threat to every single human and it needs tackling. What are processed foods? (Well in simpler terms they can be put out as the “ready to eat” foods sold in the market. The minute to make noodles and soups are all variants of processed foods(Now this is the situation, can you consider living off processed food for the rest of your life? That’s a question of sanity and health. Before giving processed foods to the baby, think twice or thrice about it.

Processed baby foods have their share part in the coating of preservatives. Well, didn’t we all witness the minute to make noodles put in the court of justice due to addition of unhealthy preservatives? Processed baby food, the name itself is bound to give any one cringes, after all they have designed this food package for the babies. They have their share and fare part of preservatives which can pose as a threat to your baby and put your baby’s health on the edge of a cliff.

A baby, or an infant when it takes and experiences its existence in this world, it gathers immunity memory within itself. All of this happens within the baby. This is also aided by the colostrum (the milk given out by the mother after birthing) and makes the foundation of the baby’s immune system resilient. For every vegan family out there, do not avoid giving the breast milk to your child, as the nutrient content present in it is considered of great importance and is delivered only through the breast milk. The thought of giving processed baby food should not even arise until your baby has turned 3 or 4 months old. The aim of any processed food is to deliver the nutrition as a whole to the baby. The aim is considerate and that is definitely appreciated, but it is delivered at the cost of some unnecessary chemicals being accumulated in the body.

When we talk about the chemicals and various other substances clogging up in the body, there is one more thought to the idea of not giving processed baby foodAs a baby, it is to be exposed only to mild harmless substance. It is as tender as a rose’s petal and it needs to be taken care with good hands. The exposure the baby gets when it is forced to eat processed baby food, it is way beyond its body’s tolerance and capacity. So due to that, either off these results are possible

  • Lack of digestion thereby leading to constipation
  • Allergic reaction towards harmful substances
  • Damage to the immune system of the infant.

These are the most plausible scenarios that are bound to happen when your baby is exposed to processed food. There are companies that make attractive labels and packaging cover for the food highlighting all the necessities and rarely mentioning the side effects. Well of course, no company would want to do that, they’d really want their company to succeed and secure growth in the market. But as a parent we must really reconsider the opinions and decisions. The packaging might lure us into buying the product displaying all the attractive and eye captivating words as possible.

Instead you can settle down for natural products. By giving steamed vegetables and mashed fruits and making sure that all the required and essential herbs are given to the baby, you can ensure that the baby receives the required nutrition as a whole. If you are the obsessive one regarding the baby’s health, you can always stick to ayurvedic medicines and give it the baby on a regular basis. Giving the baby a nature’s exposure is more than enough to develop a strong body and a proper nutrition.

There comes a time where in one might enter a dilemma in figuring out the right option to be made. There comes a time where in one has to deal with issues with a simple yes or no. This can be considered as one such situation, and the answer always is saying no to processed baby food.


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